Dr. Ford is the founder and administrator of the West Michigan Psychological Biofeedback Institute, Inc. and serves as the executive/clinical director of the Oceana County Community Mental Health Clinic in Hart, Michigan.
For the past ten years Dr. Ford has been actively involved in the research of Biofeedback therapy, dedicating himself toward the expansion of its theories and clinical applications. His formal training occurred under Alber F. Ax, Ph.D. of the Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Michigan. Further training with Johann M. Soyva, Ph.D. and Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D. of the University of Colorado Medical School added to his knowledge and insight of Biofeedback therapy. The Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas has honored Dr. Ford by placing his institute on the professional referral list for Michigan residents requiring Biofeedback treatment. Moreover, Dr. Ford was the National Co-Chairperson for membership with the American Association of Biofeedback Clinicians, and presently in West Michigan Psychological Biofeedback institute has been designated official training center for the Biofeedback Society of Michigan.
B.A. Psychology and Sociology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
M.A. Clinical Psychology, Oakland University, Detroit, Michigan
Ed.D. Psychology and Administration, Specialization: Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Neuropsychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Melvin Schwartz, Ph.D. – 1 year study in the area of neuropsychology
Neurology, Wayne State University Medical School, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. John Gilroy, M.D. – 1 year of Grand Rounds in Neurology
Biofeedback, Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Albert Ax, Ph.D. – Studied in the Neurophysiology Laboratory With biofeedback
Biofeedback, Sarus Institute, Workshop under Drs. Budzyski, Stoyva and Peper
Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Workshop with Drs. Oren and Sacredote
Hypnosis, Ethical Hypnosis Workshop with Harry Arons and Dr. Royce Hemmings
Michigan Psychological Association
The Biofeedback Society
The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Dr. Ralph Ford III, P.C.: Providing psychological cognitive behavioral treatment to all the psychological maladies. Specializing in marital and sexual therapy; biofeedback/pain treatments; neuro-psychological testing, testing, depression, obsessive-compulsive, phobic disorders and Bariatric pre-surgical evaluations.
Director: West Michigan Psychological Biofeedback Institute, Inc, 8794 Spring Street, Montague, MI 49437
Administrative and Clinical head of an outpatient psychiatric facility. Responsibilities included Program and budget planning, supervision of treatment, coordination of services and community relationships, psychotherapy, group therapy, hypnotherapy, Biofeedback therapy and research, psychodiagnostics, neuropsychodiagnostics, consultations, and production of clinical workshops in biofeedback with the A.M.A. (national level) granting continuing medical education credits category II.
Director: Oceana County Community Mental Health Services, 24 North State Street, Hart, MI 49420
Administrative head of County Mental Health/Mental Retardation program. Responsibilities included: program planning, budge development, grant writing, program and clinical supervision of staff and interns. Programs included: prevention, 24 hour emergency service, outpatient, inpatient, partial-hospitalization, recreational, day activates, sheltered employment and related community service programs. Program was funded through local (County) State and Federal funding sources.
Industrial Psychologist: Gerber Products, Inc., Fremont, MI 49412
The only Clinical Industrial Psychology Consultant for this program. Primary responsibilities were to: appraise professional employee’s level of production, consult to management and personnel division, appraise mental health of dysfunctional employees, seek and follow through with appropriate treatment services, consultations with various department heads concerning problem employees.
Psychological Examiner: Vocational Rehabilitation Services, 1483 Apple Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49443
Provided vocational assessments for clients of this agency, duties included psychodiagnostic of intelligence, aptitude, achievement, vocational interests and aptitude, recommendations of vocational planning with prognosis. Consultation and treatment wit those clients requiring such services.
Director: Booth Memorial Hospital and Home, 124 West Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI
Chief Psychologist for a Salvation Army funded hospital. Primary duties: in-service training for staff personnel, grant writing, psychotherapy individual and group, psycho diagnostics, research, recreational therapy, pre and post delivery counseling, and follow up services.
Stress Management: Half-day seminar presented to 200 Physicians of the Northwest Michigan Osteopathic Association, CME Category I.
Biofeedback: Three day workshop, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Theory, Application & Treatment with Biofeedback CME Category II
Behavior Modification: One day workshops for Oceana County, Wide teacher on techniques understanding and application of Behavior Modification within the Classroom.
Biofeedback: One day lecture to Midland Mental Health Clinic personnel on the theory process and treatment of Biofeedback.
Biofeedback: Three day workshop, Schuss Mountain, Theory, Application and treatment with Biofeedback techniques CME Category II.
Bariatrics: All day multi disciplinary conference. Speaker on Lifestyle changes for the Bariatric patient and family. Munson Medical Center Bariatric Program.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 Restructed Form, Michigan Psychological Association, Michigan State University, CME 6.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV, Michigan Psychological Association, Visatech Center, Schoolcraft College, CME 6.
Legal and Ethical Risks and Risk Management in Psychological Practice Sequence I & II, CME 12.
Strategies for Therapeutic Success. Dr. David Burns, M.D. American Psychological Association, CME 6.
Theory and Techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Session I and II, American Medical Association, CME 12.
Couple Counseling: Effective techniques to create harmony and strengthen relationships. American Psychological Association, CME 6.
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk: Core Competencies for Mental Health Professionals American Psychological Association, CME 6.
Advance Psychotherapy Workshop Society for clinical and experimental hypnosis, CME 33.